Archive for November 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - 12:17 PM § in

Rebecca Black sheds light on profound significance of 'Kola Veri' lyrics

Rebecca Black, renowned intellectual, philosopher and pop cult icon, shed light on the profound lyrics of 'Why Dis Kola Veri Di' at an exclusive gathering of soup boys last Friday. She claimed that the song was a,"subtle, multi layered work which is a critical reflection on society in general". She briefly touched upon the various themes that resonated through the album, ranging from love to the impact of postmodernism on analytical empiricism.

She stated that 'whitu' and 'blacku' were not merely colours but represented "the fundamental duality of life". Moreover, the 'Moonu moonu' part was a metaphor for the 3G scam with the white representing the politicians and the night "representing the black money they wallowed in”. According to her, "Kaila snacks eduthuko is a veiled reference to the conspicous consumption that has plagued our lives". She was appalled that people had failed to grasp the deeper meaning hidden between the lines. 'Holy Cowwu' for instance was "an oblique reference to the recent Aavin price hike implemented by the TN government” while 'Only Englishu' explores the "social conformity to English engendered by a post-colonial hangover".

 It also features a bit of insidious advertising, with the 'handla glassu, glassla scotchu' bit allegedly being sponsored by Vijay Mallya in a desperate bid to raise capital for his beleaguered airline. According to Ms.Black, every part of the song, not just the words, resonates with meaning. The 'Pa pa pa paan' track, which is one of the highlights of the song, is evidently the answer to life, the universe and everything. Encrypted by an esoteric cipher of course. Also, 'Why this Kolaveri', which is the refrain of the song, is in fact," a strong denouncement of the imperialism at the heart of American foreign policy."

 Another fascinating aspect of the song is the unique back masking used. When the song is played backwards, faint messages could be discerned. Although they were initially believed to be satanic messages, on closer examination it was revealed to be a misplaced promo for Ra.One. The song ends on a somber note, depicting the stark reality of our existence. "How much ever we try, we cannot break the invisible fetters of destiny (and rising petrol prices) that bind us down. We are all soup boys. We have no choice."

Saturday, November 19, 2011 - 6:55 AM § in

Prima Famiglia